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Dothan, Alabama Child Custody & Visitation Lawyer

We Can Help Protect You and Your Family's Future

Outside of financial matters like alimony and asset division, child custody is one of the most highly contested issues through a divorce. Even in cases where the parents were never married, working through child custody issues can be complex and difficult. To ensure that your divorce or child custody case ends with the best outcome possible, work with an experienced and effective family law attorney. Let us recommend a plan to safeguard your children's future and ensure that the custody and visitation arrangements are made with the best interest of the children in mind.

Child Custody Arrangements

At the time of your divorce or paternity / parentage action, a determination will be made as to how the parents of the child(ren) share custody. It's important to understand that there are two types of custody:

Legal Custody

Legal custody refers to the parent who has decision making authority. Ideally, both parents share the responsibility equally when it comes to decisions around education, health care and religious training.

Physical Custody

Physical custody refers to which parent is physically responsible for the child's care and well-being. Sharing joint physical custody does not mean that the child exactly splits their time 50/50 between the two households. There are several different factors that will play into how you share physical custody, and there are just as many ways to arrange physical custody so that it works for the children as well as both parents.  We will work to develop a custody arrangement that best fits your specific situation.  

Key Issues to Work Through in a Child Custody Agreement

There are several key issues to work through for a successful custody arrangement. There are short term, day to day issues like where the child will go to school and whether or not they will play certain sports. There are “bigger picture” issues like what religious beliefs they will be taught or how you will plan for college. Every family's needs from their custody arrangement will be different, but some of the key items that should be considered are:

  1. Care and Education of the Child
  2. The Medical and Dental Care of the Child
  3. Holidays and Vacations
  4. Child Support
  5. Other factors that will affect the physical or emotional health and well-being of the child.
  6. Designating the parent who will have primary authority and responsibility regarding involvement of the minor child in academic, religious, civic, cultural, athletic and other activities.

Helpful, Effective Child Custody Lawyers

If you are working through a divorce or have questions about either establishing or modifying a child custody arrangement, the experienced family law attorneys at Capps & Associates can help. We look forward to working with you to safeguard your future with your children and ensure a custody arrangement that works towards their best interest.

Questions about a Child Custody Issue in Dothan, Alabama?

We can provide answers. Call our office today so we can ensure your child custody case ends with the best possible outcome for you and your family. Call (334) 678-7994 or click here to contact us via email.

Capps & Associates, P.C. Is Here for You

At Capps & Associates, P.C., we focus on helping people navigate the legal system.

Contact Us Today

Capps & Associates, P.C. is committed to providing legal representation involving any legal issues in Alabama. We offer consultations and we'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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